Fighting Porn!

Good news!

To my great surprise I was invited to be one of the speakers at the 2010 San Antonio Catholic Men’s conference.  I’m deeply honored by this invitation and quickly accepted.  As you may, or may not know, I was blessed to give my testimony, of over two decades of pornography addiction, to the Houston Catholic Men’s conference back in January and it was a huge blessing in my life.   God has given me the opportunity to speak to many many men who are struggling with this sin to help them find freedom through the Sacraments, the very Grace, of God.  Since teaming up with the Kings Men, and becoming a contributor at, this past week, I have been feeling almost compelled by God to spend more time in this ministry and then… out of no where… I received this wonderful opportunity! Praise be Jesus Christ!  Click HERE to visit the San Antonio conference page!

Here are some of my past shows, testimony, and other  resources I have produced related to the fight against porn. Please pray that I can continue to be the donkey Jesus rides today in this fight! Yes… even a jack ass like me can be used for His Glory (Numbers 22:28)!

God Bless You
