The Catholic Hack! Episode No 56 – Steve Bollman – That Man is You!

Show Notes:

During a highly successful career trading energy derivatives, Steve experienced firsthand the profound pressures placed on men and families in modern society. He also witnessed the tremendous impact a man of faith can have at home, at work and in greater society.

In 2002, he set aside his professional interests to found Paradisus Dei, an organization of lay Catholics dedicated to the renewal of marriage and family life. Steve’s background allows him to profoundly understand the essential role of the family in society and salvation history. His professional experience allows him to present these mysteries in an engaging and highly accessible manner. Audiences have been “astounded” as Steve presents the mystery of the family according to the “Three Wisdoms” of the Church – harmonizing theology with the findings of modern science while providing a vision that touches the divine.

In 2004, Steve developed the That Man is You! men’s program, which has quickly established itself as one of the Church’s premier men’s programs as it moves across the country transforming men, marriages and families. In 2006, Steve began development of The Choice Wine, a program designed to help the entire family experience the superabundance of God within family life. His writings have appeared in national publications, including The National Catholic Register, Inside the Vatican and The Catholic Answers. Steve lives with his wife and daughter in Houston , TX.

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Joe M
The Catholic Hack!