We look at how Jesus used his WILL POWER to be perfectly obedient to the Father which redeems us all and unties the knot of disobedience of Adam. We too can use will power to over come our own situation, look past our emotions, and face the mountina along with our Lord. […]
Monthly Archives: August 2010
Today, on "Behold the Man" we dive into the scriptural, and traditional, roots of Mary's assumption into heaven by God.
Today, on "Behold the Man" we look at a very tough question; how can I proclaim the Catholic Church when there are so many problems with it? The answer is simple... the Church itself is a gift from God. We take a quick journey through salvation history to see how Jesus perfects the Church and gives us the Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and sacraments as life and light for a dark world.
Fullness of Truth & Scott Hahn July 17 & 18 "The Mystery Unveiled: A Catholic Approach to the Book of Revelation". http://www.FullnessOfTruth.org
Catholics take to the Net By KATE SHELLNUTT Copyright 2010 Houston Chronicle Aug. 5, 2010, 5:33PM After returning to the Catholic Church in 2002, Joe McClane wanted to take his faith online, so he set up The Catholic Hack, a site for him to blog and podcast about church theology. Each week, […]
Today, on "Behold the Man" we look at Genesis 28 & the mysterious encounter Jacob had with a ladder reaching up to heaven. It's fulfillment is found in Christ, the Temple and the Priesthood. Jacob receives the blessing of Abraham from God himself and yet still try's to keep his options open.