Did you know that Jesus was not the first in scripture to undergo a "Passion"? Jesus was not the first to cross the Kidron Valley at night, not the first to climb the Mount of Olives in sorrow, nor the first shepherd to be struck so that the sheep might scatter! Have you ever heard of the passion of KingDavid? Read 2 Samuel 15 through 20... here are the highlights!
Monthly Archives: October 2011
3 posts
I too took my inheritance from my Father in an untimely fashion. It was 1980 and my Father, who was serving in the Army, had just been stationed at Fort Sam Houston, in San Antonio. I was six years old, and I began to recognize the very peculiar, and confusing behavior he had towards my mother.
Who is the first person in the Bible to be called the “son of God”? If you answered Jesus, you would be incorrect. Actually, that title was bestowed on an individual about 1000 years before Christ was conceived. 2 Samuel 7:[11] from the time that I appointed judges over my people Israel; […]