Today we talk about resources to help with the slavery of pornorgraphy! Its time to be set free!
Sean Forrest – Opening song – “Jesus is Upon You”
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Today we talk about resources to help with the slavery of pornorgraphy! Its time to be set free!
Sean Forrest – Opening song – “Jesus is Upon You”
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Today on “Behold The Man”, we take up where we left off in chapter 6 of “A Father who keeps His promises” […]
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Today, on “Behold The Man” we take a look at how the Old becomes the New, how the feast of Yom Kippur is perfected in the cross of Christ! We also pray for the Jewish people; may their High Holiday be filled with G-d’s grace!
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Today, on Behold The Man we talk about the Kingdom of God & the readings from the 2nd Sunday of Easter. It’s a fascinating topic, the Kingdom of God, especially when you look at it in light of the Old Testament. We dive deep into the book of Daniel, 1 Kings, Acts, John, Luke, Revelation, and elsewhere to get a glimpse into the nature and reality of the Kingdom of God.
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This week on Behold The Man I will tell you the story of when I beat and mocked our Lord. When I scourged him, crowned him the thorns and nailed him to the tree! I am the one who sent him to the grave but it was God wh orasied him to forgive even me… a sinner!
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