Praise God! “It is Finished!”
No… nothing even close to the salvation of mankind, only Our Lord can accomplish that. No, I’m referring to my book… “Muscle Memory: Beating the Porn Temptation!” By combining my experience in the US Marine Corps with the incredible insight of Saint John Paul II into human sexuality, I have learned to FIGHT and WIN against the daily (sometimes moment by moment) porn temptations. The technique I lay out in this book has been so successful that I have been free from pornography addiction form more than twelve years now.
My book is designed to help men win the war, one temptation at a time. No more shame! No more living in the shadows! No more hurting my family! In this book, I give practical advice on how to successfully make a stand and say, “today, I will not loose the battle!” Frankly, it is life and death… my more than 20 year addiction led to abortion, depression, suicidal thoughts and the near destruction of my marriage and, which would have meant the loss of my five beautiful children which God gave to us after the storm! God had a different plan for my life… and YOURS as well!
In Muscle Memory, I go through the core component of “Love and Responsibility”, written by Saint John Paul II (when he was still just Karol Wojtyla) and map out an easy to follow strategy to overcome pornography addiction starting right now. No need to wait! This book is easy to read, and filled with great resources.
I just made the ePub version of my new book available for download on! Please pray this book helps many men (and women too) overcome their porn addictions. I certainly pray that families around the world will find this helpful. Please “Share” and “Like” to help me spread it far and wide.
Soon, I will have a Kindle version and have it listen in the Amazon and iBooks stores. I will also record an audio book version of it too soon. Again, please keep this project in your prayers. Thank you!
Christ Is Risen, Truly He Is Risen!
Joe McClane