This is a presentation on the sacrament of Baptism which I gave to an RCIA group at St. Edward's Catholic Church in Spring, TX. Baptism is the Gateway to all other Sacraments, we enter into the abyss, the death of Christ, only to be resurrected, through the water and spirit, with Christ in glory. Truly, "it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me..." (Gal. 2:20)!
This week on “Behold The Man”, We wrap up our series on Baptismal typolgy by looking at Joshua’s crossing of the Jordan river. How must we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? By crossing the water infused with the Holy Spirit! * The SHOW NOTES, click HERE, to download a PDF copy. […]
This week on “Behold The Man”, an evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, only Jonah will be given them! We enter into the depths of Christ’s death, and stay with him for 3days in the belley of Sheoul, to arise with him in newness of life. We are exploring […]
This week on “Behold The Man”, being inspired by an article From Jean Cardinal Danielou, S.J. entitled: "The Sacraments And the History of Salvation"; we dive deep into the living-flowing waters of creation, cleansing and redemption to find the power and beauty of the Sacrament of Baptisim!
This week on “Behold The Man” we look at how Nicodemus, the People Crusher, comes at night to encounter the NEW Joshua, who HAS to CROSS through the water in order to enter into the promised land! Is Baptism a Sacrament? Yes… its the only way we can enter the Kingdom! […]
Habemus Pravulus! – We Have a Baby! Welcome Back to the 4th Episode of the Catholic Hack. In this show I wanted to announce the birth of my son, John-Paul, and to take this opportunity to discuss Infant Baptism. I was kind-a rushed for time on this one so please […]