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Christopher West is a research fellow and faculty member of the Theology of the Body Institute. He is also one of the most sought after speakers in the Church today, having delivered more than 1000 public lectures on 4 continents, in 9 countries, and in over 150 American cities. All three of his books – Good News About Sex & Marriage, Theology of the Body Explained, and Theology of the Body for Beginners – have become Catholic best sellers.
Order a free copy of “Marriage and the Eucharist” by Christopher West at www.catholicity.com!
Download the MP3 file for Episode 40 – Christopher West
MAC users – Please check out No Thirst Software! by Kevin Hoctor
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The feedback has been outstanding! Thank you. If you would like to leave me some voice mail feedback call 713-568-6277 and I will play it on the next podcast. Please leave me a review on iTunes and pick up a Catholic Hack! T-shirt today!
God Bless
Joe M
The Catholic Hack!