The Way of the King's Men!

What: Introducing “The King’s Men“: Building up men as leader’s protector’s, and providers!

When: Wednesday night Nov. 18th from 7pm to 8pm

The Catholic Charismatic Center
1949 Cullen Blvd.
Houston, TX

Who: Any man who suffers from addiction to pornography, or any other vice, and seeks grace, through reconciliation, and a life of heroic virtue.  All men are welcome to come and find help, brotherhood, support, and accountability.

The Mission of The King’s Men
Under Christ the King’s universal call to serve, we as men, pledge to unite and build up other men in the mold of leader, protector, and provider through education, formation and action.

The King’s Men
12 Core Values

1. We work in the apostolate and live out our daily lives 100% in accordance with the Magisterium.
2. We are 100% pro-life from the moment of conception to natural death.
3. We believe that pornography can be a root cause of the following: fornication, adultery, sexual abuse, rape, incest, the contraceptive mentality, divorce and abortion.
4. We believe that pornography hurts families, destroys marriages and victimizes women and children, whom, we as men must defend, protect and serve.
5. We believe that a man must be engaged in a noble battle if he is going to truly live out his vocation to lead, mentor, protect, and provide.
6. We believe that through humility, accountability and sacramental grace a man can find freedom from sexual sin and addiction.
7. We believe that a man must seek formation on a natural level so he can begin and continue to make progress in his spiritual life.
8. We believe that a man must lead through his weakness.
9. We believe that a daily prayer life is essential for a man’s spiritual growth.
10. We believe that a man must align himself with a group of men who will both support and challenge him in all areas of his life.
11. We believe that a man must be actively seeking spiritual growth and development in virtue, especially the cardinal and theological virtues.
12. We believe that a man should be daily seeking an opportunity whereby he can better listen, understand and obey God’s will for him.