It’s been over two weeks since my last podcast… sorry for the delay. On Oct. 1st I will be taking a Customs Broker exam so I have been spending every opportunity to study and prepare for this rather rigorous test. Your prayers will be greatly appreciated.
What’s coming for The Catholic Hack!? Well, I will be recording a “How to” series with Catholic Apologist, and friend, Rob Gasper on how to handle yourself when the Door bell rings and you are confronted by a Jehovah Witness. This will be a terrific series that will be a very informative and useful tool to equip you and allow you to give a reason for the hope that lies within you.
I’m also planning to start a series on the Mysteries on the Rosary. I want to take this opportunity to discuss the Church’s teaching on praying to the saints, repetitive prayer, our Blessed Mother, the economy of Salvation, and scriptural meditation.
Thanks in advance for your patience during these last few weeks with out another The Catholic Hack! Installment. In the meantime… do me a favor and go to iTunes and leave me a review. Lets get out the word so more good Christians can Dive Deep and fall in love with their faith.
God Bless
Joe M
The Catholic Hack!
P.S. T-Shirts and Coffee mugs will be available in October.